• Alex Mathers
  • Posts
  • The topsy-turvy approach to figuring out your next life phase

The topsy-turvy approach to figuring out your next life phase


I had a guy approach me recently with a dilemma.

He felt stuck and didn’t know how to best spend his thirties and beyond.

He needed a change from his job.

He was feeling burned out and quite fed up.

So I suggested something that worked for me:

Start making and publishing content.

He looked at me blankly.

‘But I don’t know how I can be valuable. I still need to figure that out.’

I said, ‘Listen buddy, people think of content in the wrong way. They think they must have it all figured out before sharing stuff online. You don’t.’

Looking back over fifteen years of creating online content, I had no idea what I was doing most of the time.

I just kept creating and sharing stuff.

I wrote about what I was learning.

I wrote about what was bothering me.

I made videos about recent books I’d read.

I made podcasts about living in a new city.

The more I created, the more creative I became and the more opportunities I attracted.

And that there, my friend, is the GOLD.

When we become more creative, it’s like a light bulb switches on.

And it’s sad so many miss this.

Your creative mind and the feedback you get through regular sharing give you the answers.

You don’t need a guy like me to tell you what’s best for you.

Create first, then let the market and how people respond show you what to continue doing.

You just need the faith that continual creation will give you the data you want.

Don’t wait before you have the perfect plan. Start now, no matter your line of work.

Because the planning is in the process.

Create content and see what sticks.

You’ll have your answer sooner than you think.

My Online Writing Alchemy course takes this process to another level. It shows you how to make your writing resonate with your readers fast.

Couple this with regular posting, and you have a powerful combo that will show you the way while building your online presence.
